Saturday, April 7, 2018

This platform will work hard to understand use using blockchain technology and contract with what you want

Before you deepen the information about projeck knowledge, it would be nice to know in advance the team that is in projeck knowledge and here I will introduce some teams that make projeck knowledge growing, which I think this will be a consideration for you.

  • Anas Adhami - CEO
  • Steven Englander - Co - Founder and Product Director
  • Marcia Hales - COO
  • Christian Gartner - CFO
  • Larry Walters - Managing Walters Prosecutors Law Group
  • Kristopher Adams - Head of Data Architects
  • Gabo Esquivel - Chief Architect of Block
  • Bryan Ramirez - Head of Software Architect
  • Rommel Castro - Software Technician of IKL
  • Adriel Diaz - Complete DD stack machine
  • Diego Solano - Front End Engineer / UI DD
  • Sebastian Valladares - Project Manager DD
  • Kaloyana Manova - SQL Developer
  • Richard Stuppi - SQL Developer
  • Bob Maurer - SQL Developer
  • Adhavan Palanisamy - 3D Design and Animation Engineer

From the day we are born, we are continuously learning. Early on in our lives we learn a wide variety of skills - reading, writing, arithmetic, what we like, what we don’t like - somewhere along the way, we are taught that the rewards and benefits for learning and attaining knowledge will be more clear later in life. As a society, we indebt ourselves financially, spending years in schools and colleges accumulating knowledge, and as we progress through our educational journey, we are told knowledge is itself a reward, that knowing something should be reward enough. After many years of formal schooling and attaining knowledge, we realize that the main outcome of this learning, the value of what we know, is financial in nature. Throughout the entirety of human history, people have celebrated achievement. Today, this is perhaps most visible in professional athletics, where top teams and their superstars receive immense praise, recognition, and rewards. This motivates aspiring players to strive to perform at higher levels, providing role models and goals for people inclined towards competition. Professional sports and similar platforms for celebrating human accomplishment also create downstream fan markets: analysts, reporters, spectators, product developers, marketers and venue, sponsors, and other vested interests all have an emotional and economic stake in the performance of “their” teams. What if this level of enthusiasm were directed towards knowledge? is making this happen, and is revolutionizing the way people connect and value knowledge. Nature designed us to be attracted to things that provide immediate reward – like eating a cake, kissing a partner, watching your favorite TV show, listening to music, and playing games. It takes a whole year to get on the dean’s list in a college – that’s a long time compared to the 30 minutes you spend watching your. is a multilaterally decentralized platform that uses highly sophisticated cryptographic technology and creates a user-centered approach for gathering all information or data and building persona. This knowledge is specialized in the areas of tracking, testing and testing of knowledge, and using the following reward and incentive models, providing breaking new news, and providing interaction among people at a higher level.This platform will work hard to understand the usage using blockchain technology and contracting with what you want in an ecosystem that can connect with everyone and can share with people around the world. Knowledge Platform uses. Choosing an information technology that is very suitable and easy to use, this technology allows the platform to be able to provide precise value and in accordance with specific topics. To summarize these values, relevant and relevant information will be used for information and information from all the news users share. This knowledge also uses blockchain technology in two ways: implementing KNW tokens as Values, and storing information to advertisers , educators, companies and other transparent users who trust all parties involved. Blockchain technology and platforms facilitate knowledge and move from view. Marketplace
The platform provides its own online trading platform, where advertisers offer products and services available in exchange for Knowledge tokens. The seller's trading platform operates with a sign of conformity. Due to this the consumer has the opportunity to learn all the information of interest to him through a special interface and get recommendations. The tips are based on the knowledge of the users gained in the data management platforms. 

  • The platform provides an online Seller Marketplace offering advertiser products and services available in exchange for Knowledge tokens. 
  • Ecommerce stores and their products are linked to advertiser campaigns and content within the platform.
  •  In order to jumpstart the Marketplace and ensure users can enjoy tokens earned, we have established relationships with merchants that will provide a catalog of 300,000 products.
Q&Ads Knowledge Score Targeting

  • Craft the most appropriate messages to communicate with users at different stages of the Knowledge Funnel using the Q&Ads platform.
  • Advertisers can target users with Knowledge Scores about topic sets related to their products and services.
  • Educate audiences about your products and services and measure the user’s level of understanding.
  • Get answers to questions you’ve only previously dreamed of, at scale

Road Map

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ANN Thread:

Iwan Gunawan 


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